Friday, June 15, 2007


Wow, what a great NBA Finals. A 4-0 sweep with Cleveland averaging 80 points a game. I'm surprised their average was that high. It's probably because they made a late push in game 2 otherwise they would have definitely scored in the 70s. I think this series is a wakeup call to not only the NBA, but to all sports. ELIMINATE CONFERENCES. Ok, maybe we can't eliminate them entirely but how about re-seeding all 16 playoff teams based on record. I know why there's conferences, to eliminate travel time but in the playoffs, who cares? With my proposal, it's quite likely that the Finals participants would both be from the Western Conference. The Leastern Conference has turned into a joke. Since the Bulls won in 1998 the Western Conference has won 7 of the 9 titles (Lakers with 3, Spurs with 4). The first win in that span for the Leastern Conference came in 2004 when the Pistons beat the Lakers with the help of the referees and Shaq's inability to score and rebound against a much smaller and weaker foe. Interesting how he played better against that same foe in 2006 when his team actually beat Detroit. Hmm, very suspicious. The other win for the Leastern Conference was last season after Dallas blew a 2-0 lead and a big 4th quarter advantage in the 3rd game. Let's face it, Dallas choked but judging by how they fared this playoffs, it's to be expected. Although I love Robert Horry, especially when he was knocking down those big 3s when he was in LA, I still think the Spurs owe him for their title. His check to the boards of Steve Nash won that series. Sure, Stoudemire and Diaw are partly to blame, but it's human instinct to help out your friend/teammate and this "leaving the bench" rule has to be modified. I also think the NBA should do like the NHL and re-seed after each round. There's no reason why #4 Utah should face #8 Golden State in the 2nd round while #2 Phoenix faces #3 San Antonio. That's all for now, let me know if you have any comments. For those fans of, I will now be using this site but obviously will make no promises as to how often I update because we all saw how that went. Thanks for reading.

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