Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ESPN errors

UPDATE: They've since corrected the error (see below for original post). Not sure if I had anything to do with it or not but I'll find out.

It really irks me that ESPN consistently makes errors that I have to point out yet they won't give me the time of day when I apply for an editing job. The following is the latest in their long list of mistakes that I find on a weekly basis. This is on their homepage in the headlines section (see the highlighted section). Why does it say Modano returns for Stars? He's not on the Stars anymore and even if he were it wouldn't be relevant news because they're not in the playoffs right now (nor did they even make it). This compares to the time I had to send them an email (which led to them fixing the error) when they said "Can Anthony and the Bulls become contenders in the East"? HE'S ON THE KNICKS. Companies like this need more people like me who won't tolerate these errors. Thanks for reading.

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