Friday, July 1, 2011

NBA Lockout

Dear NBA, I am one of your biggest fans (ok, not of the league as a whole but for my beloved Lakers). If you lose the entire 2011-2012 season I will not come back. Yes, you heard me. I will be done. Lakerjosh will have a new name. To the players I say the United States is a capitalistic country, which often times means those who make the most money are the ones who do the least. To the owners I say the people pay to see the players, not you. With the way the economy is today I can't imagine anyone will have sympathy for either side. I certainly don't. Figure something out or you will lose a guy who has spent thousands of dollars on your product and I will donate all of my NBA gear to the less fortunate, something the owners and players should think about. Thanks for reading.

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